Monday, September 30, 2019

A Brief History of Courtship and Dating in America

A Brief History of Courtship and Dating in America, Part 1 [pic]by The Rev'd Skip Burzumato [pic] Whenever possible, I love to use the word â€Å"courtship† in everyday conversation with young and old alike. It's one of those words with which most people are familiar, but have vastly differing opinions of what it means. For many, courtship is an old-fashioned word. It summons visions of men wooing women with small tokens of affection and asking their hand in marriage on bended knee. For social scientists, studies of courtship usually look at the process of â€Å"mate selection. (Social scientists, among whom I number myself from time to time, will never be accused of being romantics. ) For the purpose of this article the preparation for and proposal of marriage is what makes the act qualify as courtship. As cultural historians Alan Carlson and Beth Bailey put it in the Mars Hill Audio Report, Wandering Toward the Altar: The Decline of American Courtship, prior to the early 20 th century, courtship involved one man and one woman spending intentional time together in order to get to know each other with the expressed purpose of evaluating the other as a potential husband or wife. The man and the woman usually were members of the same community, and the courting usually was done in the woman's home in the presence (and under the watchful eye) of her family, most often Mom and brothers. However, between the late 1800s and the first few decades of the 1900s the new system of â€Å"dating† added new stages to courtship. One of the most obvious changes was that it multiplied the number of partners (from serious to casual) an individual was likely to have before marriage. So, one important point to understand right up front (and about which many inside and outside the church are confused) is that we have not moved from a courtship system to a dating system, but instead, we have added a dating system into our courtship system. Since most young adults will marry, the process employed in finding a husband and wife is still considered courtship. However, an extra layer, what we call â€Å"dating,† has been added to the process of courting. If you are familiar with computer programming terminology, you can liken dating to a sub-routine that has been added to the system of courtship. Over the course of this two-part article, I would like to trace how this change occurred, especially concentrating on the origin of this dating â€Å"subroutine. † Let me begin by briefly suggesting four cultural forces that assisted in moving mate selection from, as Alan Carlson puts it, the more predictable cultural script that existed for several centuries, to the multi-layered system and (I think most would agree) the more ambiguous courtship system that includes â€Å"the date. The first, and probably most important change we find in courtship practices in the West occurred in the early 20th century when courtship moved from public acts conducted in private spaces (for instance, the family porch or parlor) to private or individual acts conducted in public spaces, located primarily in the entertainment world, as Beth Bailey argues in her book, From Front Porch to Back Seat: Courtship in Twentieth Century America. Bailey observes that by the 1930s and 40s, with the advent of the â€Å"date† (which we will look at more fully in the next installment) courtship increasingly took place in public spaces such as movie theaters and dance halls, removed by distance and by anonymity from the sheltering and controlling contexts of the home and local community. Keeping company in the family parlor was replaced by dining and dancing, movies, and â€Å"parking. † A second cultural force that influenced the older courtship system was the rise of â€Å"public advice† literature as well as the rise of an â€Å"expert† class of advisers — psychologists, sociologists, statisticians, etc. At the same time that the public entertainment culture was on the rise in the early 20th century, a proliferation of magazine articles and books began offering advice about courtship, marriage, and the relationship between the sexes. As Ken Myers says in Wandering Toward the Altar, from the late 1930s on, young people knew, down to the percentage point, what their peers throughout the country thought and did. They knew what was â€Å"normal. † Prior to the 20th century, â€Å"normal† was determined within families and local communities, but now a â€Å"higher authority,† with wide-spread circulation and readership, began to form a national consciousness. Thirdly, we see a change in sexual norms in the West. With the onset of the sexual revolution the question arose, â€Å"Why would a man court and woo a woman when he could gain a chief benefit of marriage, namely sexual gratification, for free with no commitment? † (Friendship â€Å"with benefits† is a contemporary example. ) Closely related to this is the invention of birth control. There is too much that could be said here, so I'll be brief. Simply put, with the onset of the idespread use of chemical and other means of birth control, the language of procreation — of having children — was separated from the language of marriage. As U. of Chicago ethicist Leon Kass argues in his chapter on courtship in Building a Healthy Culture: Strategies for an American Renaissance, under the old system of courtship, marriage and bringing a child into the world were inextricably linked. But no longer. With the ever decreasing risk of pregnancy, having sex and being marr ied were no longer tied together. Fourthly, we find a change in the models and metaphors used to describe the home and family. Prior to the 20th century, when we talked about courtship we used language and metaphors of home and family: â€Å"He'd be a good father,† â€Å"They could have such a happy home together,† etc. The new system of courtship that played itself out in the entertainment culture and public square largely was understood and described by the advice and â€Å"expert† class with metaphors taken from modern industrial capitalism. It's as if those who wrote and commented on male-female relationship had stopped reading the Song of Solomon and Jane Austen in favor of Adam Smith, Karl Marx, and John Maynard Keynes. The new courtship system gave importance to competition (and worried about how to control it); it valued consumption; it presented an economic model of scarcity and abundance of men and women as a guide to personal affairs — There aren't that many good men left, so you better get one while the gettin' is good! This new language of courtship had great symbolic importance and continues to shape the way we think, speak and act concerning relationships to this day. Have you ever known a girl who went out with a guy who was a complete dolt but who could help her get ahead socially? (And not to pick on women, it just as easily happens in reverse. Those decisions are based more on economic theory of the 19th and 20th centuries than on any sort of biblical notion of desire for the opposite sex. So, these are four important cultural forces in the early part of the 20th century that assisted in moving our culture from the older courtship system that existed prior to the late 19th centur y, to a courtship system that includes â€Å"dating,† which, I will argue in the next article, is much more ambiguous and confusing. I will also talk about dating itself (including the origination of the word â€Å"date†), and how it has changed over time. ttp://www. boundless. org/2005/articles/a0001456. cfm Filipino Custom and Tradition: Courtship Although they have dated for a while here in the United States, my brother in law has to continue to court not only his fiancee but her family as well. Courtship is one that is still being practiced among the strictest of the Filipino families. This is performed by the male (who is the suitor since it is wrong to do it the opposite way) visiting the home of the female. In the olden days, courtship doesn't start until the male suitor had obtained permission from the parents. This was done with the male suitor being accompanied by another respectable elder and approaching either the father or the mother of the female and obtaining permissions days in advanced to visit at a particular day and time. Nowadays this form of getting the parent's permission is still being practiced in the provinces, however, due to western influences, there are some variations more adaptable to the modern times. One alternative is to make a phone call, asking for the parents' or guardian's permission through an elder to schedule a visit. Another way is for the suitor to approach the parents in a public place, and informally asking for permission to visit. Either way, it is to show proper respect to ask for permission prior to the formal visit. Properly greeting the parents by placing the back of the right hand of the parents to the suitor's forehead is practiced to show respect. This is called pagmamano in Tagalog. When the permission has been granted, the suitor whether accompanied by a friend or an elder will visit the girl's home and offers gifts. Gift bags or boxes of goodies or Filipino snacks purchased from a local store and flowers are generally given. The snacks or other goods are offered to the family of the girl then the flowers and special sweets (like chocolate or candies) are given to the girl. In a strict Filipino home, during courtship, the parents are present during the first visit. This is the opportunity to get to know each other. This is sometimes called courting the parents first and winning their hearts and approval then letting the boy or suitor court the girl. Subsequent visits are then scheduled if all went well during the first visit nd, depending on how long the courtship will last, the answer is given by the girl with the parents' knowledge as well. Since my brother in law and his fiancee have already dated and gone through a bit of courtship here in the United States, what he would do in his visit is to court or meet her family. He brought some pasalubong (gifts) from America which he will give to each family member. Other culture may call this as dowry but in the Filipino culture it is just plain gift-giving. No suitor should go to a girl's home without bearing gifts at least during the first visit. Then he will be introduced formally to her mother since her dad had passed away and also meet her younger siblings. His fiancee and her family would prepare a special meal and he will partake in them whole-heartedly. http://www. associatedcontent. com/article/397501/filipino_customs_and_traditions_courtship. html The Filipino way of courtship is probably among the most romantic in the world. TRADITION Courting under Filipino tradition gives very big importance on the value of respecting the woman and her family and strictly adhering with proper rules set by society for pursuing a lady. This practice which dates back to the Spanish times prohibits men to be very aggressive or becoming even when they want the lady very much. One cannot just talk and approach a lady in the street and ask her number or address. If a young man sees a lady he likes he should seek out the help of a go-between, usually a common friend of both family, to ask the permission of the girls father whether he can visit them in their house. This is the gentlemanly thing to do so the parents will most likely approve unless of course the lady is just a child. When the approval is obtained, the suitor can then come to the house with the go-between who will initiate the introductions to the family. The parents in turn will introduce their daughter to the gentleman. In this stage, the suitor is expected to bring â€Å"pasalubong† or gifts to the family and a special one to the girl he likes. This he will have to do everytime he visits the girl’s house. In the Philippines, when you court a lady, you have to court her whole family as well. In this first visit, the couple will not be left alone on their own to get to know each other. It will just be an informal chatting and introduction and getting-to-know stage between the suitor and the family and making clear of the suitor’s intention to pursue the host’s daughter. After the initial visit, the suitor is then expected to woo  the girl by showing up in her house more often and establish rapport with the her family. This is the stage where he does the â€Å"paninilbihan† or servitude. He serves the girls family in any way that he can to show to them and to the girl of his sincere intentions and love for her, be it by chopping firewood, fetching water from the well, etc. It is a way of saying â€Å"I will do anything to prove my love for you†. At night, he will sing â€Å"harana† or love songs outside the girls house by the window with a guitar and his friends serving as back ups. They will sing and wait until the lady finally opens the window and invites them into the house. They will then be served with light snacks and they can talk in the presence of the girls parents and the man’s friends. Note that in most times, the couple will be with either friends or families. It is considered inappropriate to leave an unmarried couple unsupervised in those times no matter what their ages are. The process of courting a Filipina in the traditional sense is a long and arduous process. It is expected that a Filipina will play hard-to-get when court because that is the norm. No matter how much she likes the man, she has to show utmost restraint and disinterest. Girls are made to believe that men will value them more if they are made to work hard before letting them have what they want. So after a long period of paninilbihan and a series of haranas, the girl can finally accept the suitor’s love. At this stage, the couple can now start dating in public but always in the company of a chaperon. The man will still continue to come to the house and help out. When the time comes when he feels he is ready to get married, he and his parent’s will have to come to the girl’s house and the parents of the boy will have to formally ask the hand of the hand of the girl in marriage to their son. This stage is called â€Å"Pamamanhikan† or â€Å"Paghingi ng Kamay†. In doing this, they will have to bring with them, lots of food and presents as well as the dowry that they can present to the girls parents. In the Philippines, dowry is given by the boy’s family, not by the girl’s family. This is because we give high value to the women in our society and giving them away is not easy. When the two families have come to an agreement as to the dowry, the wedding date is set, a ring is presented to the girl and the couple is said to be betrothed. A small feast is then held with the food brought by the boy’s family. MODERN Although a lot of our traditional wedding practice is still being observed these days there are modifications and â€Å"evolutions† that has been introduced to it that gives it a more modern version. Modern Filipino courtship revolves more on the liberalism of Filipino youth. If Filipinos of opposite sex were not allowed to mingle in public in the old days, these days that is already possible. These has allowed courtship to be a little more lenient on youngsters. You can now meet a girl you like through a common friend or on a party but never on a street as the same is still regarded as inappropriate. Most parents would still want their children to be courted inside the house though some modern and liberal-minded Filipinas don’t do this anymore and prefers to meet up somewhere else instead, a clear disregard of tradition and parental respect. Modern courtship does not really have a pattern. It could start from a group date where friends would pair friends up and tease them. Friends could play cupid and set a couple up and leave them on their own to talk then before you know it they are going out on a date. With the influence of western television, modern courtship these days are going fast although it doesn’t necessarily have the emotional baggage attached with immediately going to bed. It would take a lot longer time for Filipinos to trust each other to get to that point. It stems on the virtues rooted from the olden days. Modern Filipina ladies are also decisive on their choices. Those who do not really want their suitors would not hesitate on letting them know of this fact. A refused suitor is called â€Å"basted†. These modern Filipinas are only a tip of the iceberg as most Filipinas especially the ones in the province still adheres to the traditional way of courtship. Most families still observes the rituals connected to panliligaw, pamamanhikan or paghingi ng kamay, dowry etc. Gone were the days of paninilbihan and haranas. These days, it is enough that a man shows up in a lady’s house and bonds with the woman’s family. He is not expected to chop wood or fetch water but at least show the girl’s family that he is worthy enough of her love. It is important though to note whether it be traditional or modern, to show your sincere intention of courting by introducing yourself to the family and impressing the girls family in any way that you can. ONLINE We know how hard it is to try and court a Filipina online, believe use, we’ve been there. Here are some helpful tips to go through with it: 1. Try to be as gentleman as possible. A Filipino male sets his best foot forward in courting a girl. That’s how the game is played. 2. Keep communication lines open. Filipinas love to talk on email, on skype, etc. They just want to feel and hear you love them all the time. This is their way of bridging the distance. Filipinas have a lot of insecurities, if you forget to call them they will immediately feel bad or suspicious you’re up to something. That’s true to most Pinays. Constant communication helps. 3. Filipinas love surprises 4. Make good all of your promises. When you say you are coming on a certain date make sure you come on that date. Sincerity to Filipinos is measured not by saying what is right but by doing what is right. http://www. western-asian. com/index. php/archives/30

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Disabled Veterans

Many societies in the world have divisions in lives. In such societies and especially the United States, the divisions are based on inequality in many opportunities which has persisted for long even after a number of policies and strategies to end apartheid and racial segregation. Many efforts have been made to ensure equality and to have women and disabled people considered in opportunities such as employment. In the past, women were discriminated and, men occupied all the positions at workplace.The blacks were discriminated in education and at workplace such that no black could practice as a doctor or other profession simply because they were black. Many movements have been developed to limit various types of discrimination, and currently the women's movement is working hard to ensure equal participation of women and men with equal opportunities. Other groups such as lesbians and gays are also fighting to get equal right.The Disabled Veteran Affirmative Action Program plan was esta blished to ensure increased employment opportunities for disabled and qualified veterans (OPM, 2006). Affirmative actions are being used as a way of enhancing equality. They give preferential treatment to some groups of people, usually the women, minority groups and the disabled. Affirmative programs considers these people to have been disadvantaged in their past or currently, where by they aim compensating them for their past discrimination, or offering equal opportunities in the present society.This is achieved by recommending a higher population of the disadvantaged in an opportunity against the majority population, or by considering a feature which favors the disadvantaged group. Affirmative actions are being used in many organizations and work places, and it has raised an issue, on whether the disabled veterans should be given preferential treatment over more qualified candidates. The concurrent sections of this paper shall give my arguments towards the issue, setting out both deontological and utilitarian considerations.Arguments The affirmative action considers compensatory justice. In it's accordance, the disabled veterans will gets a job over most qualified people in the same field as a way of compensation. In the society, there are many people who are trained, qualified and who rare in the process of training in various fields. Just as the old veteran trained and were given the opportunity to practice in the trained field those who have trained and the ones training expect similar opportunities to practice.This means that when the disabled veterans are given the chance to practice in the competitive market, the qualified and able people will be locked out of the opportunity which will not have solved the issue of discrimination in such case what the affirmative action will have dome is a reverse discrimination where by a physically able and qualified person will be denied a chance to work despite the fact that he or she can perform better than the di sabled veteran. Affirmative actions consider having a large group of disadvantaged people included in the program.Use of quotas does not end discrimination as the affirmative programs views them they they exclude some the unconsidered or rather the majority group. For example, when large number of Asians are included in the program, Black Americans and the Americans will be discriminated from the program. California superior court encourages the state to use affirmative actions programs which are expected to facilitate fair employment practices and stop use of quotas and denial of opportunities on the basis of gender or race.To emphasis on the use of program, programs which used quotas for contracts between the state and business owned by women, minority and disabled were struck down. In such case the the program (Charles, 1999, pp. 48). With the use of the quotas the award of state contracts would continually favor, and have contracts with the businesses owned by the minority, disa bled and minority while discriminating the businesses owned by people in the majority group.When the state made law to have fifteen percent of the states contracts for businesses owned by women, minority and disabled veterans the court could not accept the laws on the basis that the law would promote discrimination of the majority group. The affirmative action favors the poor and gives them the priority over the rich. The program recommends favoring the disabled veterans over the healthy and physically able people with same or even more qualification.The affirmative programs should ensure equal recruitment of all individuals in the society regardless of their physical ability. All people need to get similar education opportunities to create a pool of qualified people in the community. When providing jobs or employments qualification should be the only consideration to ensure that no individual is discriminated. As long as education is provided in an equal measure, choosing from qual ification becomes the fairest method (Hurst, 2007). The disabled, or disadvantaged people have few chances of getting the required qualification.For example children from rich families which are represented by the majority have access to all materials and apparatus require through out their education and learning course. They have computers, attend the schools with the required and effective learning programs. Such children have all the time for their studies because their needs and requirements are catered for by their rich parents or guardians, unlike children from poor background who need who are expected to work for longer time at the expense of their studies to meet their basic needs.Poor children learn and live in pathetic environment, and in schools with inadequate facilities. The children from rich and the poor background will be assessed by same assessors and tests without a favor to either child. This means that the child who had appropriate facilities and learning environ ment will perform better than the poor child. The knowledge of the two children varies, since the poor are limited to further learning or training. This means they are likely to have little or no knowledge concerning the job they are being given.This means that when employment is provided on the basis of the physically disabled or disadvantages people in the society, the ones with little or no qualifications will be given the chance, causing reverse discrimination. The unqualified or semi-qualified individuals will be given positions they do not deserve and since they are not qualified in the field, they fail to carry out the required duties and subsequent failure in their roles, organization and the entire society.The affirmative action programs considers empowering the minority, the disabled veterans and women to take lead in various projects programs, organizations and the society. The California superior court upheld and implemented programs to identify discrimination with no re gard to race and gender preferences. According to the programs, the state agencies were to identify areas within the state where women disabled veterans and the minority were not utilized well, and aimed at enhancing their utilization (Charles, 1999, pp. 48).Well they can be empowered through these and other means but when the minority, the disabled or women are given the opportunity to lead the people being lead resent them. They are resented not because of their minority, disability or inferiority, but because they are preferred against the other people in the society. Resented individuals develops a negative attitude towards other people, and since they are discriminated or rather excluded from participating in various activities in the society, bad morals develops. Conclusion Although disabled veterans need preferential treatment over the physically well people, a lot need to be considered.Although that is the target of the affirmative action programs, the preference and especia lly in employment should be based on individual's qualification, skills, and experience. This this organizations and employers can get the best for best performance and output, without discrimination. The only way to get best employees, fairly is based on their qualification. The affirmative action programs should find other way of implementing compensatory justice, rather than job as the compensation because some of them are not qualified, or their disability limits them from effective performance.The affirmation programs enhances discrimination through collectiveness. The qualified are denied opportunities because they bare socially or politically dominant. The past social and economic status of individuals should not be considered when giving preferential treatments as the affirmative program does, rather the current status should be used. When individuals are preferred because of their social group instead of their qualification, their accomplishments are degraded (George, 2001, pp. 40).

Friday, September 27, 2019

Alternative Perspectives on Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Alternative Perspectives on Management - Essay Example To illustrate this, there is consideration of two topics, that is, marketing and architecture as stated in the research study by Buchanan (2010). Since many businesses require robust marketing and architecture, the members attached to the business understand these phenomena. Additionally, the stakeholders and other members understand the rational phenomenon of the business. Many stakeholders and members of a business fail to attach the functional image of the business to their experiences in terms of marketing and architecture. Marketing The functionality of a business in terms of Marketing forms an ethical foundation although it tries to disguise itself and presence of limited critics who perceive its definition of the supposed ethics. There are epistemological suppositions which dominate this perspective and whose orthodoxy needs to be uncovered. This statement implies that it is tasking to perform function marketing, but is it possible to execute the practice of contacting a custo mer. Marketing has been applied mostly in non-profit organizations and government sectors. This implies that marketing is one of the most vital business functionality as stated by Alvesson (2003). According to Alvesson, Bridgman & Willmott (2009), the business functionality problem can be in terms of the marketing strategy that the business uses. Marketing is a crucial issue when dealing with the functionality of a business. ... Boje (2008) illustrates that marketing comes before finance and sales, implying that the power of marketing is a manipulative factor for many individuals since marketing shapes the customer’s needs so as to make enough profits. Internal processes that help to get the functional view of a business from a marketing perspective include; the organization of the marketing department of the business such that every product is familiar to every potential consumer. Martin (2001) in his research study, states that it is crucial for a business to broaden marketing into the public sector since many financial institutions insist on marketing plans. Marketing colonizes organizations but does not determine the direction that the business organization takes. To illustrate this perspective, there is consideration of the Woolworth supermarket where its marketing strategies ensure that all products, which already in the market, extend to as many customers as possible. The logo that a business u ses also acts as a boost in marketing its products. Most employees in the businesses I have observed fail to understand that to retain the customers who keep the business operation; the customers require new products, which have an added ingredient. The function image of a business is in the form of a set of ongoing activities, which are logical so as to sustain the business objectives of the organization these activities depend on the marketing strategy of the business as explained by Hatch & Cunliffe (2012). Marketing has, thus; been a teaching to me to become convincing to customers when trying to make them buy a new product. Currently many stakeholders in other regions do not promote their products through marketing as

Ecological Desing a strategie for a business pratice Dissertation

Ecological Desing a strategie for a business pratice - Dissertation Example Therefore it is but natural that the present product apart from displaying its host of unique features would also project the ecological design aspect of the product as an USP. Development of an eco design through research and subsequently incorporating the same in a business operation is the challenge faced by most companies. This general factors influencing eco design, the areas of change where eco design is applicable, the methods adopted by companies in introducing products and the manner in which an eco design is integrated with business operations form a part of this dissertation. Contents 1. Abstract 2 2. Contents 3 3. List of Illustrations 4 4. Introduction 5 5. Chapter 1-Factors Influencing Eco design adoption 6 6. Chapter 2- Applicability of Eco-design 8 7. Chapter 3- The Basic Methods and systems developed 10 by companies to produce Eco-Designed Products. 8. Chapter 4- Different Eco-Design Strategies adopted by 14 Business organizations as form of marketing Strategy 9. Cha pter 5- Effectiveness of Ecological design- a survey 15 10. Chapter 6- Analysis of an Eco Design manual 18 11. Chapter 7- Examples of Eco-Design adopted by Multinational Companies and Smaller Organizations 22 12. Conclusion 25 List of Illustrations 1. Fig 1- A holistic design foe eco-design focused tools. 7 2. Fig 2- The role of eco-design 8 3. Fig 3- Checklist for eco design in advanced estimation company 11 4. Fig 4- Levels of environment product innovation 13 5. Fig 5- Energy consumption growth index compared to GDP 23 6. Fig 6- Importance in buying green as perceived by customers worldwide 25 Introduction Eco-Design is the design and development of products that are both environment friendly and economically viable. The word derives its origins from the concept of a synergy between design, economy and ecology. (Miriam Borchardt, Leonel A.C.Poltosi, Miguel A Sellito and Gianfraco M.Pereira, 2009) A design which is able to satisfy all three requirements in an effective manner is s aid to be a successful eco-designed product. With the world globalising at a fast rate there has been a rapid increase in the both the demand and consumption of goods. New players emerging and competing in the global market, has put a severe strain on the available natural resources and the idea of creating a environment friendly product has been relegated to the background. The three basic issues that an eco-design addresses are (1) Reduce the consumption of non-renewable resources (Fuller Buckminster, 2002) (2) Manage the existing renewable resources more effectively (3) Design products that are environment friendly and do not pollute the environment in any manner. (Eco-Design: European State of the Art, 2007) Chapter 1 Forces Influencing Eco-Design Adoption The forces influencing Eco-Design adoption by companies are categorized into external factors and internal factors. The external factors are as follows (1) The new age customer is getting more information regarding the dangers of environment pollution. He is thus getting more informed regarding the choices he can make while selecting a product. Thus he is able to demand products that are safe and environment friendly which leads to a direct pressure on companies to come up with innovative and eco-friendly solutions to their products.( Murphy J et al, 2007) (2) A government that is sensitive to the concerns of the environment shall bring out laws, stipulations and guidelines within which a product needs to function. Adherence to

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Bio answeres Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Bio answeres - Essay Example Wunder (2014) asserts that these provision may not be applicable in the modern society and the vulnerability of the native communities has minimized. Consequently, the traditional American justice system may suit the native communities. The level of discrimination in the juvenile justice system in alarming. The system created with the objective of separating children from adult offenders have been occasionally used to target specific communities. In an argument by Finlay (2007) minority communities tend to be preyed by the system with the belief that it may incubate crime rates in adults. For this reason, minority groups such as the Hispanics and African Americans are greater targets of the juvenile justice system. Zimring & Tanenhaus (2014) are of the assumption that changes made to the juvenile justice system to transfer offender to the adult system poses more risk to minority communities. Hispanics and African Americans get transferred more from the juvenile justice system to the adult system than any other community (Zimring & Tanenhaus,

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

How Helpful Is the Concept of Moral Panic in Understanding Recent Essay

How Helpful Is the Concept of Moral Panic in Understanding Recent Media Coverage of Muslims - Essay Example A critical analysis of the concept of moral panic The feelings generated from intense expression of an issue considered a social threat constitutes moral panic. The concept of moral panic is considered essential in enhancing processes of societal sensitization in moral issues. It also entails the creation of awareness in regards to challenges that threaten social order, as well as the acceptable virtues in the society, and are caused by deviant groups or individuals. Arguments and social tension becomes rationale for various controversies, where disagreements do not have room, since the society becomes a back-up tool for the proposed agendas. The main agent for the spread of moral panic is the media, owing to the recent technological developments in the adoption of integrated communication frameworks (Allen and Seaton, 1999). A cluster of characteristics is attributed to the concept of moral panic, which includes moral concern. This entails awareness creation to the society that the activities of a certain group are likely to cause societal disorder, leading to long-term negativity. Hostility is also increased in that, the society sees the deviant groups mentioned as folk devils that are not supposed to dwell among other people. Consensus is also an important feature since the infected society concedes in the aforementioned item of agenda that is anticipated to cause panic in the target society. However, the conceding groups do take action that is not tantamount to the real threat that is caused by the deviant groups. Disproportionality occurs in such a phenomenon, since the take of the issue is usually weighty to extents that are not in regards to the proximity of the deviant... The main idea of the report is media coverage which has also utilized moral panic to develop a take of the Muslims as financially and economically successful people. They are associated with wealth and excellence due to their optimistic nature. Their commitment when handling their religious, political, economical, social, and cultural values has overwhelmed a majority. Televisions, radio stations, and internet blogs present the Muslims as economical threats in their areas of occupation, owing to their hardworking nature. This has also acted as a rationale for the economical improvements in fear of it being triumphed by the Muslims due to moral panic presented by media. Their comprehension as political threats has made it possible for countries to develop moral panic in electing Muslim leaders to eradicate political domination. This paper makes a conclusion that the recent years have seen the usefulness of moral panic by media in the enhancement of the understanding of recent media coverage of Muslims. Media coverage is also an instrument for transformation of crucial information, a field that has developed in the recent years in terms of new devices acquirement. The understanding of Muslims has received both a positive and a negative take in the contemporary society. However, the media should lay new strategies that would enhance the understanding of societal issues in true manners, rather than creating moral panic that creates hostility and other negative impacts, especially in promoting the understanding recent media coverage of Muslims.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Concept analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Concept analysis - Research Paper Example In the field of nursing, a number of variations of Wilson’s model of concept analysis are adopted to explain concepts. Wilson’s model of concept analysis is an 11-step approach to permit its users to gain a relative degree of clarity in thinking and perception and to cogently express a concept which may prove to be tricky. The technique is of great usefulness when it is employed to analyse a concept which may have multiple meanings. Wilson’s technique is followed to get to the root of the problem and the solution is reached when the results of the concept analysis can be displayed in language (Thompson, 2005). This paper will attempt to carry out a critical analysis of a problematic concept in literature. For this purpose, an empirical research article will be selected from a scientific journal and two major concepts in it will be identified. Then one of the major concepts will be analyzed using the 11-step technique proposed by Wilson. The article chosen for con cept analysis is an empirical research article written by McCabe, Ricciardelli and Banfield (2009). The article, titled ‘Depressive symptoms and psychosocial functioning in preadolescent children’, was retrieved from Depression Research and Treatment. The aim of the study was to find out the fraction of children who are at-risk of depression or clinically depressed and to see what effects depression has on them. The authors selected a group of 510 children (270 boys 240 girls) and inspected them for signs of depression. The authors focus on a specific set of variables to find out their relation. There are two major concepts used in the paper. These are depression and at risk. In order to carry out a concept analysis, the concept is thoroughly examined and its meaning probed from a variety of sources. This paper will discuss the concept of depression and analyze it critically. The aim of the concept analysis will be to come to a clear and concise meaning for depression a nd its use in routine life. The word depression does not have a clear definition and people have differing views regarding it. The expression and perception of depression is influenced by a number of factors such as culture, context, social gatherings etc. According to Wilson, the first step in the process of concept analysis is the identification and isolation of the questions relating to the concept. These questions can be grouped into three main categories: facts, values and meanings. When analyzing depression, various questions regarding its nature and meaning arise. For example how is depression defined? What are the signs and symptoms of depression? Is depression different than unhappiness? Should depression of every kind be treated? According to Wilson, factual questions regarding the concept should be tackled by focusing on the existing literature. Questions relating to value and encompassing ‘shoulds’ are to be answered by considering the perception of influent ial figures or the society. The third set of questions is those concerned with meaning and is best dealt with when the questions are analyzed in the context of the concept behind them (Meleis, 2007). Having formulated the questions, the next step in Wilson’s technique of concept analysis is to identify the correct answers to the questions and discuss the important elements in them (Meleis, 2007). Depression has various uses depending on the context it is used. For example it is used in medicine to define a

Monday, September 23, 2019

Review of Final Exam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Review of Final Exam - Essay Example The south and the north portray a difference in the triumphing denomination. The south is stalwartly going traditional, and even reactionary based on the economically advanced nations. The Roman Catholic draws characteristics of being traditionalists and fideistic and or radical protestant evangelical or Pentecostal sects. The difference in the Anglican understanding of the bible bring up the question if this is a splintering or simply a realignment, but whichever the case, we are now two different churches. Cultural imperialism, clearly highlighted in the laws of globalization and correctly defined as homogenization standards of tests, behavior, cultures among others. The hollywood, for instance, is inseparable from American imperialism. Therefore, the term Cultural imperialism can be viewed in two dimensions. One that perceives it as imperialism within the culture domain and the other one tend to see it in terms of the cultural aspect of imperialism. These two are complementary in understanding cultural imperialism. Scott particularly raises a strong argument against cultural imperialism stating that it may reflect recent past therefore failing to capture the big picture and at the same time, the audience actively construct and filter meaning in a way that makes sense only to them. There is also a very present likelihood of emergence of a polycentric world of film production. The Hollywood, for instance, has multinational ownership, global auteurs and transnational circuits of cultural influence. Asia (Pusan, South Korea), Europe (Venice, Cannes, Belin) and North America (Toronto, Canada) are known to be among the places that have major film festivals. These festivals serve the purpose of alternating the circuit of distribution while simultaneously promote transnational economy of cultural prestige. They also aid in showcasing national cinemas, facilitate

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Consulting for a struggling firm Essay Example for Free

Consulting for a struggling firm Essay Introduction All organizations in the modern society are faced with challenges in economic management. As a psychologist working for a consultation firm, I meet a CEO in dire need of help on future sustainability of works on stress management, diversity and motivation. Therefore, this paper seeks to analyze how the various challenges in the workplace can be mitigated so as to increase efficiency. Stress management Stress refers to a situation in which one feels pressure and cannot cope with it successfully, and results in varied physical, mental and emotional reactions. Stress management thus refers to techniques and therapies often with the aim of controlling a person’s levels of stress. In an organizational context the manager is charged with the responsibility for ensuring that each employee can work without pressure. Stress is common in very many workplaces, employees and the managers both experience stress. In workplaces, stress is often caused by lack of communication, career and job ambiguity, financial stress, personal stress, interruptions and strictness by the managers and poor working conditions. Stress management is important in a firm, in this case a firm that is struggling and needs to pull through. Work stress in this case is an important issue because it has financial impacts on the business, it is also important on legal obligations and organizational effectiveness. Practice of stress management in companies helps in the efficiency of the organization as the employees are able to know their roles thus doing tasks efficiently and thus making the organization effective, the employee’s working conditions are improved also,   as stress management helps to identify some of the problems that the employees suffer. Stress management boosts the morale of the workers as they are able to work with ease; it also ensures that equal opportunities in terms of promotion and training are given out fairly (Ivanko, 2013). In a situation that employees have been laid off, and some are remaining in the organization, those remaining are affected, and they develop stress. The type of situation can be achieved by applying ways of managing stress. One way would be to encourage the remaining employees to adopt a positive attitude and mindset towards their stress. Another way would be to emphasize on acceptance that some things cannot change; once something has happened we should accept and move on. Creation of time for recreation would also help to alleviate stress among employees; alterations of situations can also be an excellent remedy in doing away of stress. After layoffs the firm can rebuild by assessing and looking at the weaknesses and failures and try to address them, the organizational structure should also be changed, the employee’s working conditions and problems should also be addressed. A market research should be done to ensure that the requirements of the clients are identified, and more sensitization in terms of advertising should be done to get more clients and popularize the firm. Motivation Motivation in a firm often refers to an act of providing a reason to act in a particular manner. It can also refer to internal and external factors that stimulate and give desire to perform a task or job continually. Motivation is relevant to solving most problems in firms, it borrows a lot from   Ã‚  psychology, knowledge of work psychology is critical to the use of motivation. Motivation of workers is essential in building relationships with coworkers, improvement of production, time management among others things. The motivation of employees contributes to growth and development of the organization. In a situation whereby some workers have been laid off motivation can be used to enable the remaining workers to work harder and lift the body. Some of the ways of motivating employees include: increasing salaries of workers, creating   safe and friendly environment for the workers, recognizing and rewarding those employee’s that perform, developing good relations with workers, use of food as incentives, holidays to performing employee, introducing overtime in which the employees are paid for working for extra hours (Ivanko, 2013). This kind of measures can be taken in instances where there has been a laid off of workers as this helps the remaining workers to heal and ensure that the organization becomes more fruitful and able to cope with market dynamics. Diversity Diversity can take many forms; it includes differences in race, ethnic identity, gender, education, socio-economic levels and sexual orientation. The amount of diversity in organizations is often increasing; thus the need to manage diversity is essential. The number of aging workers is growing and there are more people from diverse backgrounds. In most organizations today, there are an increasing number of joint ventures, mergers and strategic alliances uniting people from different organizations and cultures. Handling diversity is an important obligation of leaders in contemporary times. A leader has to find the balance between promoting diversity and building a strong organizational culture. Managing diversity is important as it ensures creativity and innovation among the workers, it also helps in forming and maintaining better interpersonal relationship between workers, managing of diversity performance of the people for the value of all shareholders, it also helps in recruiting and retaining of employees (Bogda L. , 1998). Organizations have very many people of different backgrounds, in a case where the group has decided to lay off some workers; it’s of importance that the leader manages diversity for the remaining workers. Diversity can be accomplished by the following: by explaining the benefits of diversity to the organization, encouraging and other people who seek to promote tolerance of diversity, discouraging use of stereotypes to describe other members of the group, promoting respect for individual differences. Leaders can organize training programs that seek a better understanding of diversity problems and cultural differences and how to respond to them in the workstation. Conclusively, there is often a moment that an organization struggles and adverse measures are taken to laying off of employees. The body can bounce back by using motivation, stress management and managing diversity this would help in healing and development of a successful organization. References Bogda, L. (1998). Diversity and Organizational Change. Retrieved December 12, 2014, from Ivanko, S. (2013, September). Organizational Behaviour. Retrieved December 12, 2014, from

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Holy Spirit Association Essay Example for Free

The Holy Spirit Association Essay With the official name of The Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity, the Unification Church was founded by Rev. Sun Myung Moon in 1954. By 1959, the church has already expanded to America where its international headquarter has been established. At present, the church claims that the number of Unificationists reach three million in more than a hundred countries. At the age of 16, Moon asserted that Jesus Christ appeared to him on Easter morning. Christ instructed him to finish the task Christ has started, that is, to establish the kingdom of heaven on earth. He urges all religions to unify their beliefs so as to attain Gods will. However, Moons character has been questioned as well as the practices of the Unification Church. Even before establishing the Unification Church, Moon has already been accused of immoral practices. He urged the female members of his organization to have sex with him so that they would be cleansed of the influence of Satan. He was arrested for this act but was released at the end of the Korean War. In the United States, he was largely criticized for his recruitment and leadership style, as well as his ways of raising fund. Furthermore, he was convicted of tax evasion and served a prison term. Because of the free labor of his followers, Moon has a built a multimillion-dollar empire, with a number of businesses such as manufacturing, banking, publishing, pharmaceutical companies, and others. He recruited U. S. military officers by offering them business deals and political donations. From his religious power, he believes that he would be able to establish a government that would rule the world. His most distinguishing characteristic is his authoritative leadership. Whatever Moon dictates is absolute and final. Even a seed of doubt to Moon means that a person allows oneself to be part of Satans work. He believed that Adam and Eve were supposed to have a brother–sister relationship until perfection is achieved. After that, the two would have to be married and bear a child, starting the kingdom of God. This promotes the belief that the fall was a sin sexual in nature. To rinse out this sin, God gave Christ the mission to marry and to have perfect children. Unfortunately, Christ was not able to complete this earthly mission because of his death. Thus, Moon proclaims that a â€Å"third Adam† is needed to complete both spiritual and physical salvation. This third Adam would complete what Christ has been sent for to do, that is, to produce sinless children. The Unification Church believes that Moon is the third Adam who would form a perfect family; thus, his children are all sinless. This perfection would extend to members of the church by complete obedience to him. Moreover, an individual would also be salvaged by paying indemnity through fasting, recruiting, fund-raising, etc. Furthermore, Moon belied the concept of trinity in the bible. Rather, he postulates that the first trinity is composed of the third Adam (Moon), his bride, and God. People are encouraged to form their own trinities through marriage and with God. He emphasized that it is through marriage that the kingdom of God would start. Therefore, salvation is only for married people. This would also explain the mass weddings conducted by Moon, in which every couple is charged a mass fee. As blessed by God, Moon and his wife propagate true love, true life, and true marriages; thus, they refer to themselves as the True Parents. The Second Coming, he insisted, is not the coming of Christ but of the third Adam. The purpose of third Adam in the grand plan of God is to establish the kingdom of God on earth and in heaven through perfect marriage and formation of sinless children.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Project Management of School Building Construction

Project Management of School Building Construction Beck Catholic Sports College is a blended Roman Catholic optional school and 6th form situated in the Walton zone of Liverpool, England. The school is named after George Beck who was Archbishop of Liverpool from 1964 to 1976. It is a deliberate supported school directed by Liverpool City Council and the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Liverpool. Diocese supervisor Beck Catholic High School picked up pro Sports College status in 2000, and was renamed Archbishop Beck Catholic Sports College. Already situated on Cedar Road, the school moved to another ground on Long Lane in 2014. The development of the school, containing a three-story school fabrication, a third party referencing and brandishes lobby for the Archbishop Beck Catholic Sports College including related outside works, parking and sub-station with a surmised net inside floor size of 12,163 square meters. Liverpool City Council set a brief for accomplishment of 20% investment funds against similar activities in 2009/2010 with the goal that it could boost the utilization of accessible subsidizing. The venture profited from a creative subsidizing bundle set up together by the City to guarantee conveyance of activities that had initially been arranged as a component of the BSF program. The key features and specifications of the project will be: Considerable cost funds Creative outlines Adaptable utilization of space Tight development program with enhanced program assurance Synergistic working by incorporated group, crosswise over Client and Contractor groups, and in addition other program temporary workers Enhanced business and aptitudes yields The Scape Framework joins a bespoke framework for requesting preconstruction stage works and administrations, including ace forma Project Request Form and Project Order Form. Tier 2/3 Subcontractors and Suppliers with a specific end goal to develop the plan, store network, hazard profile and development program in front of beginning of the project. The development stage contract was NEC3 Option C. The joint effort proceeded as Tier 2/3 Subcontractors and suppliers were effectively designated under small rivalries Open-book bookkeeping is a technique for securing work under which temporary workers are repaid on the premise of straightforward records of the costs they have brought about. It is for the most part connected with boosted target-cost contracts, administration contracts and system contracts, yet can likewise be connected to the main phase of a two-organize, settled value contract. Straightforwardness can apply to the fundamental contractual worker (whose immediate expenses may just add up to 20% of the aggregate development cost) who acquires offered, settled valued sub-gets that are not open book or potentially down the entire production network for each gathering required in a venture. Although open-book bookkeeping is about genuine costs, all the time an objective cost is determined to the premise of a mutual hazard equation. Thus, the customer and contractual worker share any pick up by notional funds of genuine expenses against the objective, or any agony through notional misfortunes (2017, January 17). The most usually utilized cost reimbursable contracts with an objective cost for development functions as been said before is NEC3 choice C and the design is to encourage the customer, temporary worker and its store network cooperating to mutually oversee and eventually decrease costs. There ought to be nothing in the cost data that is private between these associations. From a customers point of view, it ought to be conceivable to decrease the cost of a venture by either creating or refining the outline or through enhanced proficiency in the venture conveyance forms. It likewise helps with making the correct condition for investigating and considering the dangers that may undermine the achievement of a venture and manage them in a valuable way (2017, March 13). NEC is a cutting-edge group of agreements that encourages the usage of sound venture administration standards and practices and defining legitimate connections. Key to the fruitful utilization of NEC is clients embracing the coveted social move. The principle part of this move is moving far from a receptive and knowledge of the past based basic leadership and administration way to deal with one that is foreknowledge based, empowering an inventive domain with ace dynamic and community connections (n.d.). Alternative C of NEC3 is an objective cost contract with a movement timetable where the out-turn monetary dangers are shared between the customer and the temporary worker in a concurred extent. This contract contains all the centre and auxiliary choice provisions, the timetables of cost segments, and contract information significant to an alternative C contact. The Construction Clients Board suggests that open division associations utilize the NEC3 contracts while securing development. Institutionalizing utilization of this extensive suite of agreements ought to convey efficiencies over the general population division and advance practices in accordance with the standards of Achieving Excellence in Construction (n.d.). NEC 3 presents a hazard administration framework including a Risk Register, early notices, chance survey gatherings and gives an endorse against the Contractor on the off chance that he neglects to give an early cautioning. NEC 3 presented a total hazard administration framework into the agreement to supplement the first venture administration framework. Where the issue starts is with the meaning of a Risk Register. There are two situations secured inside a similar arrangement. The main manages matters that counteract finishing completely and the second covers matters that avert fulfillment by the due date appeared on the acknowledged program. Both need to finish different tests, for example, having such a little shot of happening that it would have been preposterous for the Contractor to have valued the hazard and being ta rise that neither one of the parties can anticipate Carrick, D. (n.d.). The purpose of using incentives in NEC3 contract is to align more closely the motivations of the contractor, consultant or supplier to those of the client, so that by working for the success of their individual organisation, they are more directly working for the success of the project from the clients perspective. The key is simplicity, so clients should focus on the few key objectives that are important to them rather than trying to incentivise everything. The biggest incentive of all is repeat order profitable work Broom, D.J.B. (n.d.). NEC will lead more to accomplishment of Clients destinations as far as its definitive quality, execution, cost and time perspectives. It ought to likewise be conceivable to set more thorough focuses for these targets with more noteworthy confidence in accomplishing them. NEC is drafted on a social contracting premise that epitomizes efficient administration forms. The conviction synergistic working over the whole production network improves the possible results when contrasted and an ordinarily divided and non-coordinated approach. NEC gives the instruments to the clients to attract out their aptitudes to apply to the earth they are working in. Development administration can be sorted out under NEC as followed. Here, the Construction Manager joins the expert group nearby the Project Manager, Supervisor and a Designer. Appendix 1: (2013, April ). The degree of sorts of works, administrations and supply, and the authoritative relations to convey them, are various, yet NEC has sufficient à ¯Ã‚ ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡exibility to give Clients and their providers with fruitful results. Even though the utilization of the whole NEC family is not the slightest bit a compulsory necessity, having providers drawn in on comparative and predictable terms, which advance cooperating, group working, the standards of lean considering, an attention on time, cost and quality with a procedure for question evasion and efficient debate determination ought to debate emerge, will improve the probability of commonly agreeable results for all concerned. NEC terms are a radical take off from customary drafting approaches and are drafted on a social contracting premise that exemplifies efficient administration forms (2013, April ). Two-stage contract is utilized to permit the early arrangement of a contractual worker, preceding the finish of all the data required to empower them to offer a settled cost. In the main stage, a restricted arrangement is concurred permitting the temporary worker to start work and in the second stage a settled cost is consulted for the agreement. It can be utilized basically to choose the fundamental contractual worker early, or more ordinarily as a system for early arrangement of a master temporary worker, for example, a cladding contractual worker. A two-stage process may likewise be embraced on an outline and construct extend where the business prerequisites are not adequately all around produced for the contractual worker to have the capacity to ascertain a reasonable cost. In principle, the early association of the contractual worker ought to enhance the construct capacity and cost-assurance of the plan and in addition making a superior coordinated venture group and decreasing the probability of question. Preferably the second-arrange transaction is just a numerical exercise utilizing the estimating criteria concurred in the principal organize understanding Two-stage contract empowers the customer to exchange configuration hazard to the temporary worker, however the customer loses use as the contractual worker gets to be distinctly inserted in the group and rivalry is to a lesser degree of danger (2017, January 18). The NEC3 shape is broadly utilized as a part of English-talking, dominatingly custom-based law purviews and might, ostensibly, be more qualified to those locales. It is a type of agreement broadly utilized as a part of government acquirement in the UK. NEC3 will require adjusting to guarantee that the conditions are not in struggle with the important law and steady with the pertinent government acquirement controls. With a mind, boggling structure of alternatives, the NEC3, apparently, offers more noteworthy adaptability and flexibility; it is a type of agreement that advantages from having a complex customer Any reasonable person would agree that NEC3 speaks to another state of mind between the contracting gatherings, and this type of agreement requires a great deal more proactive venture administration from each one of those included, which thusly prompts to more noteworthy site organization Columnist, G.C. (2014, March 24). Southern Cross University Appendix3: , A. (n.d.). SCU is a Lismore-based college with a Gold Coast grounds and is quick to build an understudy convenience office ashore that it claims close Coolangatta Airport. The building necessities incorporate 240 independent units of convenience in different arrangements, a 200 straight auto stop, clothing, diversions room, IT and study ranges, and various regular rooms. This Major Development Plan (MDP) traces the proposed development of Building C and at-review auto stop inside the undeveloped part of the Southern Cross University (SCU) Gold Coast Campus (the Campus) inside the Gold Coast Airport (the Airport) grounds The Airport is rented by Gold Coast Airport Pty Ltd (GCAPL), which is completely possessed and worked by Queensland Airports Limited (QAL), a non-recorded open organization (GCAPL 2011). SCU leases the Campus site from GCAPL SCU is proposing to develop Building C and an at-review auto stop for 505 auto spaces. The Campus as of now comprises of two structures, specifically Building An and Building B. Building A was developed in 2009 and started operations in 2010, while Building B was built in 2011-13 and started operations in mid 2014 (2015, September ). SCU Vital Arrangement reaffirms SCUs dedication to high caliber, imaginative and adaptable projects; work-prepared graduates; and projects, which are educated by the examination and instructing nexus that are connected to the requirements of industry and the callings. The SCU advancement additionally incorporates emphatically with the Airplane terminals goals. The situating of a noteworthy tertiary training establishment in this area is firmly bolstered by best urban arranging standards. The site is arranged nearby what will be the future key open transportation center of the Southern Gold Drift, serving the entire of the district, including the greater part of the SCU catchment range. SCU has been locked in on a few tasks to give assets to useful activities including travelers at the terminal, inquiring about statistic data which is then shared between associations, with the Airplane terminal profiting from a business viewpoint and the understudies utilizing this experience to aid their functional examination content (2015, September ). Southern Cross College has grounds at Lismore, Gold Drift and Coffs Harbor. It additionally works The Inn School Sydney in organization with Mulpha Australia. The College has understudies from more than 80 nations and offers undergrad and postgraduate courses (2012, ). A MDP must detail the degree of consistency with state and nearby government arranging plans in drive where the airplane terminal is found. State and Neighborhood enactment has been assessed as a major aspect of the arrangement of this MDP. GCA straddles the state outskirt and lies somewhat in New South Grains and mostly in Queensland. Despite this, the Airplane terminals crucial part in the local economy is recognized by provincial and state arranging reports on both sides of the Fringe. Because of its area, the Air terminal lies somewhat in Tweed Shire and mostly in Gold Drift City. Again, the Airplane terminals significance in the local economy and the local transport system is recognized in the vital arranging archives of both neighbourhood government specialists. For each situation, the Airplane terminal property is incorporated into exceptional utilize zones in acknowledgment of the nearness of the air terminal (2015, September ). There is a potential that the proposed advancement may impact the twist attributes for landing flying machine at the Airplane terminal. The best impact of the proposed improvement on an arrival flying machine in a cross-wind would be the point at which the wind is blowing straightforwardly over the proposed working from the east to upper east and the airplane is landing onto runway, which is approximately.900m far from the SCU structures group Potential effects to grounds and Airplane terminal operations amid development incorporate increment in activity and substantial hardware developments from development laborers, transitory effects on accessible stopping and potential interruption into OLS from crane operation (2015, September ). The GCAPL tries to accommodate the effective working of the Airplane terminal and recognizes future changes vital for obliging development throughout the following 20 years. This incorporates the Improvement of air terminal offices for both aeronautics and non-flying uses inside the land Heathrow Terminal 5 opened on 27 March 2008 with the exceptionally open clamour of the disappointment of its stuff framework. In breaking down the underlying drivers of the operational disappointment amid the handover of the venture, there are probably going to be specialized and human mistakes for both British Airways (BA) and the British Airports Authority (BAA); by and by, a portion of the commendable accepted procedures and activities of the T5 venture ought not be thought little of or ignored. BAAs Terminal 5 (T5) program at London Heathrow Airport is as of now one of Europes biggest development ventures. It is relied upon to cook for around 30 million travellers a year and give extra terminal and flying machine stopping limit. T5 is additionally anticipated that would include a world-class transport trade interfacing street, rail and air. The office speaks to a  £4.3 billion venture for BAA (2017, ). This huge program included 50,000 individuals from 20,000 organizations. While the underlying features in the press concentrated on the operational issues in the opening couple of weeks especially around the significant stuff dealing with issues the real development of the terminal and supporting framework was an enormous achievement, conveying a  £4.3bn program on time and on spending plan. This was especially amazing considering the venture was composed in the 1990s, with industry standards recommending it ought to have been conveyed over spending plan, late, to a low-quality standard and with wellbeing issues amid development (n.d.). Structure: administration office was set with abnormal state of the control level set up. The counselling group worked cooperatively with BAA which permitted to bolster the foundation and usage of extensive time and cost of the venture control arrangements over the venture. Once the structure was set up, compelling interface administration at the different program and venture levels was completely pivotal to the general accomplishment of the program. A collaborative culture: It was one of a kind around then to utilize this sort of procedure. It has made a fruitful domain through the BAA and their first-level providers. It permitted everybody to go about as one, and concentrating on taking care of issues all through the venture. Likewise the program was conveyed in spending plan and there is doubtlessly the superior approach it cultivated was key to the programs prosperity. The result was huge as it empowered coordinated groups in recuperation arranging, esteem administration and hazard administration to distinguish and secure over  £200 million worth of funds for BAA. Evaluating, checking and controlling correspondence and relationship dangers, much the same as some other specialized hazard, is central to making a superior culture and the T5 approach was inconceivably creative. Effective communication: engaging stockholders in collaboration and straightforward way amplified extend potential for successful achievement in the project. On the venture like T5 the correspondence was significantly more critical than expected. The correspondences group made a wonderful showing with regards to of adequately supporting and strengthening the elite culture, and in addition sharing victories and lessons learnt to empower advancement. The esteem set on worker relations was reviving and obviously shown the significance of individuals to the tasks achievement. Everyone from the group was esteemed and compensated for their endeavours and there was a solid accentuation on security. Strong leadership: Tonys administration community oriented abilities was central and inventive way to deal with the venture dangers pick up regard of the providers at all levels. This was without a doubt a key fixing in the achievement of the program. Extend authority and its effect on human conduct is very frequently disregarded and poor administration can prompt to an awful binding society (n.d.). All the foundations for the roof were three months late because it was a wet winter. The local and state governments were unrealistic about the budget, the length of time it would take and the impact on local taxes. The complexity was just not taken into consideration. Built on a former sewage works, T5 is sandwiched between Heathrows northern and southern runways, the existing terminals to the east and the M25 motorway to the west which could lead to major construction and traffic delays as it was one way in and out for everyone. T5s safety record was marred by the death of a construction worker (2017, ). The introduction depicted the inceptions of the advancement and presentation of the t5 Agreement, a type of agreement which speaks to a critical takeoff from normally held ideas about contracting. The chart idealize perfect examination and comparison of T5 contracting approach to a traditional projects and contracts used Appendix 2: (2017, October 23). The T5 agreement a new type of agreement understandingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ BAA conveys all the hazard and is safeguarded for all that hazard. If any issues emerge the appropriate response is not to discover somebody to convey the can but rather to cooperate to discover an answer A standout amongst the most key contrasts between the T5 Agreement and a standard contract is that various gatherings to the Program were marks to it is likewise noteworthy that the Agreement was marked by the Companies Managing Directors instead of their legitimate agents. Although BAA were still obviously, the customer, the multi-party contract copies collaborating ideas by supplanting a conventional customer/contractual worker pecking order with an all-equivalent group which makes a mental impact to advance hazard sharing among the gatherings The Agreement has every one of the necessities of a Contract: what is required from each gathering by when; how expenses will be repaid; each gatherings rights in case of a debate and how such question would be settled Whats more there was a motivating force conspire considering accomplishing dynamic timetable turning points, supported from a possibility equivalent with the cost effect of defer hazard. In case of cost abundances more prominent than spending plan in addition to possibility, BAA would repay however the capacity for any organization to gain benefit on the overabundances was compelled Harrison, J. (n.d.). An ensured most extreme value (GMP) is a type of concurrence with a contractual worker in which it is concurred that the agreement aggregate wont surpass a predefined greatest. Regularly this is a component utilized on plan and manufacture contracts where the temporary worker has obligation regarding finishing the customers outline and for completing the development works, so they are in a decent position to control costs. this kind of agreement exchanges dangers for conveying the venture from the customer to the temporary worker. As a result the temporary worker is probably going to delicate a higher cost In choosing whether to look for an ensured greatest value, the customer ought to survey the way of the venture, the imaginable dangers and whether it is sensible to anticipate that the contractual worker will bear those dangers. Notwithstanding the name ensured most extreme value the customer ought to in any case guarantee that they have a sufficient possibility (2017, January 24). Alliance contracting is a type of foundation acquirement where the government works cooperatively with private segment gatherings to secure real capital resources, and consents to share openings and work through dangers together as a venture advances. In an organization together get, the proprietor, temporary worker and originator are all gatherings to one anticipate assertion. leading body of administration made up of delegates of the gatherings, with an order to convey the venture as per concurred objectives and partnership standards. Straightforwardness is the sign of a partnership extend. The idea of straightforwardness in an organization together contract stretches out past subcontracting and requires an open book between the proprietor and the temporary worker. It is not unordinary for proprietors to require the temporary worker to open the books on prior tasks so that the proprietor can completely comprehend the contractual workers overheads, edges and expenses. The proprietor and the temporary worker discharge each other from all obligation aside from on account of any default Hirst , C. (2013, March 1). Taken a toll in addition, or time-and-materials offers are regularly utilized on occupations with a ton of questions and concealed conditions, for example, repair work. While for the most part utilized for littler employments, these agreements are occasionally utilized for huge occupations also All in all, cost-in addition to work is an open book handle where bills from the temporary worker incorporate documentation of every hard cost. This would incorporate solicitations for materials and subcontractors, and in addition work hours and charging rates for direct work provided by the temporary worker (n.d.). At the point when its troublesome or difficult to appraise the full cost of a development or rebuilding venture early, you might need to work out a cost-in addition to concurrence with the contractual worker. Fetched in addition to contracts are a contrasting option to settled cost or singular amount understandings that permit more prominent adaptability and more straightforwardness for the proprietor of a property. For the contractual worker, hazard is diminished, since a cost-in addition to contract ensures a benefit Adkins, W.D. (n.d.). The term firm settled cost or singular amount contract alludes particularly to a sort or assortment of settled value contract where the purchaser or buyer pays the vender or supplier a settled aggregate sum for an extremely very much characterized item, however there is the stipend inside these for a difference in the occasion there are impetuses accomplished through venture motivations accomplished or targets met. There are advantages of this kind of agreement to both the purchaser and the dealer, and these are like those at the settled cost impetus expense contract. To the vender, it is helpful since it normally considers the dealer or supplier to charge a sensible base expense, yet likewise considers excellent execution to be remunerated further. In any case, for the purchaser that additionally gives an extremely substantial advantage. The purchaser normally will pay an exceptionally sensible base charge in advance, yet there is obviously the possibility that the cost will go up later if certain conditions have been met (n.d.). References (2017, January 17). Designing Buildings Wiki. Open book accounting Designing Buildings Wiki. Retrieved March 13, 2017, from (2017, March 13). Home | Stradia. Retrieved from (n.d.). Contracts, Project Management Procurement NEC Contracts. Retrieved March 15, 2017, from (n.d.). Contracts, Project Management Procurement NEC Contracts. NEC3 Engineering and Construction Contract Option C Products NEC Contracts. Retrieved March 13, 2017, from Carrick, D. (n.d.). Knowles, a Hill International company . RiskintheNEC3contract. Retrieved March 15, 2017, from Broom, D.J.B. (n.d.). NEC3 Consultancy Training Project Contracts Procurement. Incentivisation under NEC3. Retrieved March 13, 2017, from (2013, April). Contracts, Project Management Procurement NEC Contracts. Procurement and Contract Strategies. Retrieved March 18, 2017, from (2017, January 18). Designing Buildings Wiki. Two-stage tender Designing Buildings Wiki. Retrieved March 18, 2017, from Columnist, G.C. (2014, March 24). Construction Week Online Middle East | The benefits of NEC3 | Retrieved March 19, 2017, from (2017). GpmFirst. Heathrow Terminal 5: Case Study | GpmFirst. Retrieved March 18, 2017, from (n.d.). Thinc Advice + Action. T5 Secrets of Success . Retrieved March 18, 2017, from (2017). Financial Times. Subscribe to read. Retrieved March 20, 2017, from Harrison, J. (n.d.). The Institute of Risk Management (IRM). Case study 2 Heathrow Terminal 5 a new paradigm for major programme risk management . Retrieved March 20, 2017, from (2017, January 24). Designing Buildings Wiki. Guaranteed maximum price for construction contracts Designing Buildings Wiki. Retrieved March 19, 2017, from

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The knight from the Wife of Baths Tale :: Essays Papers

The knight from the Wife of Bath's Tale Historical Background Women's rights in the medieval years were nonexistent. Women were virtually their husbands' properties. They were identified by their husbands' names and could not legally own anything. Their husbands controlled their lives. Before marriage, a woman's possessions were property of her father. An arranged marriage was the norm, not the exception. Girls were married young, often given to much older men. Marriage wasn't romantic; it was a means to form a close relationship between two families. In Beowulf, for example, Freawaru is given to Ingeld as a pledge of peace. Usually the father of the bride gave part of his wealth (land, houses or jewelry) to the new family, but it was the groom who acquired all rights to own that wealth. The husband was also the sole representative of the family in the community where all laws and court decisions were made by men. Life in the marriage wasn't easy either. Beating wives was accepted in the society. The Wife of Bath, who becomes deaf in one ear after her husband Janekin hits her, can not go anywhere to complain. Her only options are to accept it or to do what she does -- punch him back. Married women had the double duty of running the household and helping their husbands in their trade. Women who ran their own trades -- femmes soles -- still had to do all the home chores, in addition to their business duties. As Eileen Power writes, "the wife of a craftsman almost always worked as her husband's assistant in his trade, or if not, she often eked out the family income by some such bye industry as brewing and spinning..." (Power, 53). Women were helping their husbands in almost all industries, and girls, like boys, were often given by their parents to masters for learning, as apprentices. However, as Power points out, women, then as now, were often paid less than men for the same work. If a husband died and the widow had grown male children, the oldest son usually inherited the right to all the property in the family. The only way a woman could be more or less independent, then, was to be a widow without sons. Only in this case she had the right to manage her family's property. However, society deemed it to be unacceptable for a woman to be without a husband for too long, and so she had to find somebody else to marry only two or three years after her previous husband's death.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Lord :: essays research papers

Roman Catholic Church History: Basic Sources General Histories Thomas Bokenkotter. A Concise History of the Catholic Church (revised and expanded edition). 1990. (BX945.2 .B64 1990) William J. Collinge. Historical Dictionary of Catholicism. 1997. (Reference BX945.2 .C65 1997) Michael Glazier and Thomas J. Shelley, editors. The Encyclopedia of American Catholic History. 1997. (Reference BX1406.2 .E53 1997) J. Derek Holmes and Bernard W. Bickers. A Short History of the Catholic Church. "New Millennium Edition," 2002. (BX945.2.H63 2002) Hubert Jedin and John Dolan, editors. History of the Church. 1980 —. (Reference and Stacks BR145.2 .J413 1980) Ten volumes; volumes I, III, and IV are titled Handbook of Church History. New Catholic Encyclopedia (2nd edition). 2003. (Reference BX841 .N44 2003) Many articles on historical topics. Use the Index (Volume 15) to find where particular topics are treated. NOTE: The content of the online Catholic Encyclopedia dates from 1913. While it contains valuable historical information, readers should consult more current sources for updated scholarship. Online chronology: Dates and Events in Catholic History, 1st Century to 10th Century and 11th Century to 20th Century from the Catholic Almanac Online. Return to top Saints' Lives David Hugh Farmer. The Oxford Dictionary of Saints. 1997. (Reference BR1710 .F34 1997) Also available through Oxford Reference Online on all campus networked computers -- select "Religion and Philosophy." On the Internet: Catholic Online Saints and Angels Butler's Lives of the Saints. New Full Edition, 1995. 12 volumes, one for each month of the year. (Reference BX4654 .B8 1995) Bert Ghezzi. Voices of the Saints: A Year of Readings. 2000. (Reference BX4655.2 .G49 2000) Each brief biography includes "a substantial quotation by or about the saint, giving you a feel for what he or she was really like" (Introduction). Ferdinand Holbà ¶ck. Married Saints and Blesseds Through the Centuries. 2002. (Reference BX4655.3 .H6413 2002) Kathleen Jones. Women Saints: Lives of Faith and Courage. 1999. (Reference BX4656 .J66 1999) Richard P. McBrien. Lives of the Saints: from Mary and St. Francis of Assisi to John XXIII and Mother Teresa. 2001. (Reference BX4655.3 .M33 2001) In addition to the lives of holy women and men (both canonized and uncanonized), this volume includes articles on the politics of canonization and the differences between various schools of Christian spirituality. Joseph N. Tylenda, S.J. Jesuit Saints and Martyrs. Second edition, 1998. (Reference and Stacks BX3755 .T94 1998) Kenneth L. Woodward. Making Saints: How the Catholic Church Determines Who Becomes a Saint, Who Doesn't, and Why.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

A Comparison of the Merits of using Software or Hardware Transactional Memory, against Traditional ‘Semaphore’ Locking

1. IntroductionTransactional memory is poised to take parallel programming a step higher by making it more efficient and much easier to achieve, compared to traditional ‘semaphore’ locking. This is because transactional memory is easier to handle when tasks are divided into several free threads, especially when these threads do not have common access to data. This implies that each section can operate on a processor core and that there is no connection between cores. It can be challenging when different task sections are not totally free – that is, several threads are forced to upgrade a singly shared value. The traditional approach to this utilizes locks and every time that a thread changes a shared value, it requires a lock. In this case, it is not possible for any other thread to receive the lock if another thread possesses it. Instead, the thread must wait until the thread that has the lock can change the shared value. This is likely to require a complex comp utation, and to take an extended amount of time before eventually releasing the lock (Bright, 2011). The release of the lock allows the waiting thread to continue. While this is an effective system, it faces several major challenges. A key issues concerns updates to the shared value that occurs occasionally; therefore, making it rare for a thread to wait at ‘no time’ – the state in which the lock based system can be efficient (Alexandrescu, 2004). Nonetheless, this efficiency commonly disappears every time updates to the shared value are made. Threads take too much time waiting for a lock to appear and are unable to provide any use when in this state.2.Lock vs. Lock Free Data StructuresWhile it may seem easy to handle a singly shared value, locks are difficult to use correctly and this is a challenge faced in real programs. For instance, a program with dual locks 1 and 2 is likely to encounter a problem called a ‘deadlock’. A deadlock is a case wher eby two threads require two locks and only have the option of acquiring lock 1 then 2, or 2 followed by 1. As long as each thread needs the lock in the same order this will not present any issues; however, if one thread needs lock 1 and the other requires lock 2 at the same time, this can cause a deadlock. In this situation, the first thread waits for lock 2 to become free and the second waits for 1 to be free. This exchange makes it difficult for both to succeed and results in a deadlock. This issue might appear to be preventable and only likely to occur when a program has dual locks; however, it can become a challenge to ensure each section performs the right function when this becomes more complex.3. Transactional MemoryIt can argued that transactional memory can solve the problem of lock conflicts. In this case of a deadlock, the programmers could mark the sections of their programs which change the shared data, so that each of the marked blocks is implemented within a transact ion. This means that either the whole block executes, or none of it does. The program can therefore identify the shared value without locking it. This allows for the program to conduct all the necessary operations and write back the value, eventually committing the transaction (Bright, 2011). The key transaction occurs with the commit operation in which transactional memory system ascertains that shared data has been changed after the commencement of an operation. If this is not identified then the commit updates, allowing the thread to go ahead with its function. In case the shared value has not been modified, the transaction stops and the function of the thread is rolled back (Detlefs et al., 2001). In this instance, the program retries the operation. It can be seen, therefore, transactional memory has several merits over traditional semaphore locking. For example, transactional memory is optimistic; this infers that the threads are positioned to succeed and do not look forward to acquiring a lock. This is in case the other thread makes an attempt to conduct a concurrent operation (Detlefs et al., 2001). In an instance of concurrent modifications occurs when a single thread is forced to retry its function. In addition to this, there are no deadlocks in transactional memory. Transactional memory is a programming approach that programmers are familiar with; the transaction and rollback process is not new to those who have handled relational databases because they offer a similar set of features. Nonetheless, blocks facilitate the ease of developing large programs that are correct (Alexandrescu, 2004). Blocks with nested atomic blocks will perform the correct function, although this is not true in the case of lock-based data structur es.4.Merits of the HardwareThere has been little attention given towards hardware compared to software-based implementations. It has also been noted that most real processors seldom support transactional memory and, therefore, modifications are necessary (Maged, 2004). However, there are systems that use virtual machines to undertake their primary function and in this regard there are changes for the .NET and Java virtual machines (Bright, 2011). In other cases, systems use native codes that require certain special operations to allow access to the shared data. This enables the transactional memory software to ascertain that the right operations have occurred in the background. Such implementations have the advantages of ensuring that the programs that are produced are bug-free (Detlefs et al., 2001). The data in cache contains a version tag whereas the cache itself can maintain many versions of the same data. The software sends a signal to the processor to commence a transaction and performs the necessary action. This then signals the processor to commit the work. If other threads have changed the data, resulting in many versions, the cache will refuse the transaction and the software will be forced to try again. Should other versions not be created, then the data is committed (Bright, 2011). This facility is also applicable for speculative execution. A thread can commence execution with data available, whereas speculatively conducting important work – instead of waiting for upgraded versions of all data needed – might mean waiting for additional cores to complete computation (Alexandrescu, 2004). If the data was upgraded, then the work that is committed provides a performance boost; the work had been completed before the delivery of the final value. Should the data turn out to be stale, then the speculative work is rejected and re-deployed with the correct value (Bright, 2011).5.Logical FunctionsA significant advantage that transactional memory has over traditional lock-based programs is that it support is an extension of a load-link or store conditional. Load-link is an undeveloped operation that can be implemented to build many types of thread-safe constructs (Maged, 2004). This comprises both mechanisms that are known, such as locks, and unconventional data structures, such as lists that can be changed by many threads at the same time without locking at all (Alexandrescu, 2004). The creation of software transactional memory is possible through the use of load-link or store conditional. Load-link or store conditional contains two sections: firstly, it utilizes load link to recover the value from memory where it can then conduct the functions it needs to perform on that value. When there is a need to write a new value to the memory, this utilizes store conditional (Detlefs et al., 2001). Store conditional can only succeed if the memory value has not been changed after the load link. In case the value has been changed, the program has to return to the beginning and start again. These systems are restrictive because they do not follow writes to each memory bytes, but to the whole cache lines. This highlights the fact that store conditional has the potential to fail without modification of monitored value (Bright, 2011). Bright (2011) explains that store conditional is also most likely to fail if a context switch happens between the load link and store conditional. Transactional memory is a version of an enforced link load and store conditional; each thread can perform load link on several different memory locations (Maged, 2004). In addition to this, the commit operation does store conditional. This impacts on multiple locations at the same time, with each store either succeeding or failing (Bright, 2011).6.ConclusionIn conclusion, a lock-free procedure is sure to sustain the progress of a thread executing a procedure. While some threads can be put on hold arbitrarily, one thread is certain to progress each move. The whole system can then make progress despite the fact that some threads might take longer than others. It can be seen, therefore, that the use of software or hardware transactional memory presents better ways of ensuring consistency of stored data when accessed and manipulated by several concurrent threads than traditional ‘semaphore’ locking. Consequently, lock-based programs fail to provide any of the above mentioned guarantees7.ReferencesAlexandrescu, A. (2004) Lock-Free Data Structures. Available at: http://www.drdob [Accessed 12th March 2014]. Bright, P. (2011) IBM’s new transactional memory: make-or-break time for multithreaded revolution. Available at: [Accessed 12th March 2014]. Detlefs, D., Martin, P.A., Moir, M. & Steele, G.L., (2001) ‘The Twentieth Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing’, in Lock-free Reference Counting, ACM Press: New York. Maged, M.M. (2004) ‘Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN 2004 Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation’, in Scalable Lock-free Dynamic Memory Allocation, ACM Press: New York.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Citibank: Performance Evaluation Essay

The California Division of Citibank has introduced a new performance scorecard to highlight the importance of a diverse set of measures in achieving the strategic goals of the division. Among the new measures introduced was a customer satisfaction indicator. Unfortunately, James McGaran, the manager of the most important branch and who consistently delivers impressive financial results scored â€Å"below par† on customer satisfaction. Frits Seeger, President of Citibank California and Lisa Johnson, area manager supervising James, are pondering what overall performance rating are they going to give to James. Areas of ConsiderationCitibank’s strategy in California was to build a profitable franchise providing relationship banking combined with ah high level of service to its customers. Financial measures had dominated Citibank’s performance in the past but management felt that these measures were poor vehicles to communicate the high service strategy of the bank. Other areas to consider in this case are: †¢To reflect the importance of non-financial measures as leading indicators of strategy implementation, the California Division developed a Performance Scorecard which complemented existing financial measures with new measures reflecting important competitive dimensions in the bank’s strategy. †¢James’ customers in his branch are sophisticated- they require high service quality and knowledgeable employees who could satisfy their financial needs and his performance exceeded expectations every single year by delivering impressive financial results for four years in a row. †¢But when the division expanded its performance indicators to include non-financial measures, it became apparent that his branch’s customer satisfaction ratings are not as good as his financial performance. His customer satisfaction was â€Å"below par† for 2 consecutive quarters. †¢James discussed concerns regarding the (in)adequacy of the survey: customers rated not only their branch but also other Citibank’s services such as ATMs that were out of the control of branch managers. †¢Even so, he worked hard to improve the customer satisfaction rating by designating a staff to greet customers and held meetings and coached branch employees to focus their attention on improving customer satisfaction. †¢James felt very disappointed when for two quarters, his rating had been only par. He thought that his efforts deserved an above par rating considering that he’s able to successfully run the hardest branch in the division. †¢Frits is considering to give James an â€Å"above par† rating given his excellent performance in other dimensions, but if the performance evaluation team gave James an â€Å"above par,† the other managers could think that the division was not serious about its non-financial measures. Alternate Courses of Action†¢Set aside the performance evaluation guidelines and give James an overall â€Å"above par† rating thus entitling him to as much as 30% bonus. †¢Observe and uphold the performance guidelines and give James an overall â€Å"par† rating and get a bonus of up to 15% of basic salary. RecommendationsI recommend that the evaluating team follow the guidelines they set forth and give James the following ratings: †¢Financials – Above par†¢Strategy implementation – Above par†¢Customer satisfaction – Below par†¢Control – Above par †¢People – Above par †¢Standards – Above ParJames’ average in customer satisfaction for the four quarters was a dismal 64.75 – a far cry from the required market average of 77 to get â€Å"above par† and about 10 points shy from the 74-79 score to get a â€Å"par† rating. Based on the guidelines, with a â€Å"below par† rating, James is no longer qualified to get an overall â€Å"above par† rating and thus settle for a â€Å"par† rating. This is to give credibility to the intent of the management in implementing a balanced scorecard and in giving other factors equal weight and importance as that of financials. Having said that, some important issues need to be addressed in Citibank’ performance evaluation. First, Lisa should have provided support to James as  early as the 2nd quarter when his customer satisfaction scores began to slip from 66 to 63 (then further down to 54 during the 3rd quarter). Performance evaluation should not be a static document- it should be a reference for the employee and superior to identify deficiencies and gaps during the rating period. It should be revisited regularly, identify areas of improvement and see how management can intervene and improve the performance of the manager. A regular performance feedback is crucial so that the managers can align their activities with what is expected of them. Second, it would be worthwhile for Frits and Lisa to review the scores of the other managers focusing on customer satisfaction- this is to find out how all the managers are faring with the new performance indicator and to determine James’ performance vis-à  -vis his colleagues. If the general results of the customer satisfaction are similar with that of James, then his concerns are not unfounded- it may be that while the branches are doing their best in extending excellent customer service, the centralized services might be the one that’s pulling down everyone’s performance. Third, it would be excellent if Frits can benchmark their performance evaluation with the rest of the industry and see if their parameters in especially on customer satisfaction are within industry standards. Fourth, a reorientation or training on the proper administration and use of the performance evaluation is in order. Based on the scores and comments that Lisa gives to James, it appears that she is lenient with him. She overemphasizes James’ financial achievements but mentions too little on his deficiency on customer satisfaction. There also seems to be a halo error in the way Lisa evaluates James- where his financial prowess seems to unduly influence the other evaluation dimensions. Imons, R. Citibank: Performance Evaluation. 1997. Harvard Business School